Outdoor Decks 101: Everything You Need To Know

So you want an outdoor deck? 

It’s that time of year when the heat starts to die down and you want to spend more time outside enjoying the brisk fall air.

I for one love the feeling of waking up in the morning and sitting on my outdoor deck, sipping on a hot cup of coffee and getting some reading in before I start my day.

Whatever your thing is, outdoor decks can be the catalyst for a relaxing evening, a peaceful morning, or a family gathering filled with good food, drinks, and laughter.

You’re probably reading this right now because you’ve been considering an outdoor deck for quite some time and now you’re wondering how to make it a reality.

I’m here to help you make the decision. 

As a seasoned remodeling contractor and proud outdoor deck owner myself, I’ve sat down with clients and had this conversation many times. Through these conversations, I’ve noticed some trends and questions that come about when homeowners are deciding whether or not an outdoor deck is right for them.

So to make your life easy, I’ve pulled some of the important questions and ideas that have come from my outdoor deck conversations, and compiled them into this article that will help you get one step closer to starting that outdoor deck project.

Let’s dive in! 

What’s The Purpose Of Your Outdoor Deck?

The first thing to ask yourself before starting an outdoor deck project is, “What is the purpose of this outdoor deck?”

Outdoor decks serve various purposes, so knowing your intention with this space is important. Some homeowners want a dedicated outdoor space where they can rest and relax after a long day. Others want to use the outdoor deck for entertainment like hosting parties, family get-togethers, and events. Whatever it is you want to do with this space, take the time to evaluate how you want to utilize it on a regular basis. 

With your intention set, it’s time to move onto your budget. Budget is the name of the game in any home addition and with outdoor decks, you need to know how much you are willing to spend to bring this space to life. 

In most cases, I recommend allocating $20k of budget for an outdoor deck project. I know, that might sound like a lot, but think of it like this—an outdoor deck is an additional space. 

Just like any other home addition you want to invest in a well-built and long-standing structure that will serve you for years to come. With that in mind, you’re going to need a purposeful design, source premium materials, and pay for a team that can deliver all of that on time and within budget. 

One thing I like to mention to homeowners considering this type of project is to look at the long-term investment. An outdoor deck is exposed to the elements—sunlight, rain, snow, dramatic temperature change—all of which can impact the integrity of your outdoor deck over time.

You also must think about the maintenance cost of this project. Wooden decks need to be power washed and resealed every 2-4 years as best practice, meaning you’ll fork over some money regularly to keep it looking good and prevent long-term damage.

You can build an outdoor deck for $10k, but keep in mind that size, materials, and overall design might change if your budget is less than this number. There are plenty of talented builders out there willing to do this for you and your local municipality will send over an inspector to check on this work, ensuring that the outdoor deck you’ve built is up to code. 

If you’re looking for an outdoor deck that is custom-designed and fits the functionality and aesthetic of your home, along with being easy to maintain, count on spending a minimum of $20k. 

Now that we’ve covered the basics of budgeting, let’s talk about design. 

What Kind Of Outdoor Deck Design Do You Desire?

There are three core elements to outdoor decks that all homeowners should consider as they start the design process: materials, layout, and style. 


The most important item on your outdoor deck list should be materials. As I mentioned before, the materials you choose will determine the budget and lifetime of your outdoor deck. When it comes to outdoor deck materials, there are two primary options that I recommend to all homeowners.

Wooden Decks

The first is the traditional wooden deck. Wooden decks are usually made with redwood, cedar, or some type of pressure-treated wood that can withstand the outdoor elements. Redwood and cedar are both insect and rot-resistant and can take stain well if you’re looking for a specific color for your deck. Pressure-treated lumber tends to be the cheapest of these three options and is more widely available across the United States, but can be more susceptible to warping and shrinking.

If you’re looking for an outdoor deck around the $10k mark, you’ll most likely choose from one of these wood options. 

Composite Decks

The second type of outdoor deck material is composite. Composite decking is a mixture of wood fibers, plastic, and other additives that give it a stronger resistance to weather, rotting, warping, discoloration, and staining. Composite decks have grown in popularity over the last 20 years as brands like Trex have become the first choice for homeowners who want a maintenance-free outdoor deck.

Composite decks are also custom-fit to match each piece to the next ensuring there are no gaps between boards, giving you a completely smooth surface across the entire deck. 

Composite materials are a more expensive option compared to wood but the long-term benefits of it far outweigh that of wood. With composite, the maintenance is significantly lower—no restaining, resealing, or repainting. Due to its combination of materials, it’s also highly durable and can withstand extreme heat and cold, which prevents warping, splintering, and rotting. Overall, I recommend composite to all of my clients as it's a wise investment that guarantees you’re getting the best material for your money.


Outdoor deck layouts vary from home to home depending on where your property line starts and ends, where you want to put the deck, and the state of the land you are on. For the sake of this conversation, I’m going to keep us focused on backyard decks as most projects tend to be in this area. 

In regard to your property line, it’s imperative to know where exactly it starts and ends so that your contractor can design within these parameters. Each municipality has its own standards for outdoor decks, so it’s critical to know how close you can get to the property line with your build. 

In that vein, the land you are on must also be conducive for an outdoor deck. For example, you might have a big slope in your backyard that requires additional foundation to be laid in order for your outdoor deck to rest on a completely flat surface. Or maybe the land you are building on is relatively soft, which means you might need to invest in a foundation that makes certain the support beams under your deck are locked in place and not vulnerable to shifting. 

With these basics covered, ask yourself again, how do you want to utilize this space? Is your intention to use it for leisure time which would warrant outdoor furniture and possibly a table and chairs for dining? Are you planning on cooking on this outdoor deck and need additional space for a grilling area? Do you want to have multiple levels on your deck? Will this deck need railings? How many sets of stairs are you looking for?

All of these questions will help you determine the type of layout you want for your outdoor deck. 


The final element to observe for your outdoor deck is architecture. Architecture is an area that all homeowners should pay close attention to for two reasons. 

The first is that you want the design of your outdoor deck to match the overall appearance of your home. Architecture can make or break the aesthetic of your outdoor deck and nobody wants to have an outdoor deck that sticks out like a sore thumb. You want a space that flows with the rest of your home and compliments it. That means taking the time to work with a designer who can take the look of your home and mimic it across the entire outdoor deck.

The second reason to focus on architecture is that if you sell your home, outdoor decks can often be a value-add to your sale price. If you ignore the architectural and design elements of your outdoor deck, chances are appraisers may not value it as much, and potential buyers will pay less attention to the space when they see it. 

When it’s all said and done, it’s up to you how you want your outdoor deck to work in collaboration with the rest of your home. I encourage all homeowners to dedicate time to finding a contractor and design team that recognizes the importance of this and works with you to create something that fits your needs and matches the rest of your home. 

Things To Consider Before Starting An Outdoor Deck Project

While there are a lot of different things to contemplate before you jump in and start an outdoor deck project, I think every homeowner should come back to the question I’ve posed in other articles before.

Does this bring value to you?

When I ask this question, I’m not just asking about the financial value of the project and the impact it can have on your home’s market value. I’m asking about the value it brings to you as a homeowner. 

Oftentimes homeowners are so focused on the numbers. While this is absolutely an important item to examine, I think the true value is forgotten in conversation. True value is asking yourself…

  • Will this make the experience in my home better?” 

  • “Will I enjoy spending my evenings sitting outside on the deck enjoying a good meal?” 

  • “Do I value the ability to step outside in the morning and drink a cup of coffee?”

  • “Do I want to have an outdoor space where I can gather people together and entertain them?”

All of this is true value. All of this means something to you as a homeowner. 

When you start to look at remodeling projects of any sort through this lens, you gain a deeper perspective on the “why” and in turn, make decisions that align with how you want to live your life in your home.

At the end of the day, your home is a sacred space. A space where you feel the most comfortable, the most secure, the most at peace. 

It’s my goal as a contractor to help create those feelings by delivering a project that not only meets your needs and expectations but also opens the door to new experiences you get to have in your home. 

Ready To Start An Outdoor Deck Project? 

Outdoor decks are an amazing addition that brings new life and opportunity to your home. They can become a space that is cherished and beloved by you and anyone who spends time there. I’ve experienced it firsthand with clients who call me after we finish an outdoor deck and they rave about how much time they are spending outside relaxing out there.  

So if you find yourself ready to start an outdoor deck project, go ahead and drop us a message sharing all of your questions, thoughts, and ideas. My team and I would love to help bring your vision to life so that you can start enjoying your home even more. 

Until next time…


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