8 Questions To Ask Before Building An Outdoor Deck

Is it time for an outdoor deck?

That’s the question you’ve been asking for the last weeks, months, maybe even years.

If so, there’s an easy way to decide if an outdoor deck is right for your home.

All you need to do is answer these 8 questions and you’ll have all the information you need to find the right remodeling contractor and start an outdoor deck project today.

Let me walk you through them… 

8 Questions To Ask Before Building An Outdoor Deck

  1. What is the purpose of this outdoor deck?

    This is the first question you should ask before starting an outdoor deck project because it sets the foundation for the entire build. Your purpose is determined through three simple questions. What do you need? What do you desire? What’s standing in the way?

    Needs are what’s required for your build. Desires are what you want to gain from adding the space to your home. What’s standing in the way helps your remodeling contractor understand what’s held you back from starting this project and how they can help you make it a reality.

    All outdoor decks serve different purposes. For some, it’s a place of leisure, giving you a dedicated place to relax before or after a long day. For others, it’s for hosting parties, birthdays, events, etc. For many, it’s a mix between the two, offering space for both leisure and gatherings in one multi-use place.

  2. What is the timeline for this outdoor deck project?

    All remodeling projects have a timeline. In my experience building outdoor decks, it usually takes 2-4 weeks, depending on size, style, and delivery of materials. With that timeline in mind, it’s important to ask yourself when you would like this project to be completed.

    Are you planning to host a family birthday party and want to use the space? Do you want to use your outdoor deck during the fall or spring?

    These are the questions to discuss with your contractor before you break ground. This will ensure that you and the contractor are on the same page from the beginning of the project until the end.

  3. What is your budget for this project?

    Every homeowner wants to know how much it costs to build an outdoor deck. Budget is the most important factor for any remodeling project, especially outdoor decks. It will decide the style, materials, and labor that goes into your project as well as how well it maintains up over time.

    Having answered the questions, “what do you need” and “what do you desire”, your budget should be a reflection of these answers.

    If you need an outdoor deck with room for cooking and dining, your budget should include enough to build both areas. In most cases, an outdoor deck will cost anywhere from $10-$20k+, again, depending on the style and materials you choose. This leads me to the next question…

  4. What materials do you intend to build with?

    Materials are often the most overlooked component of an outdoor deck build. There are many options at your disposal, but the two most common are traditional timber decking and composite decking. Traditional timber ranges between $6-$8 per square foot, and composite decking runs $15-$20—this is for the materials alone.

    While traditional timber costs less, there are a few drawbacks including its vulnerability to the elements and regular maintenance (i.e. re-sealing every other year). Composite decking eliminates these issues with weather-resistant materials and anti-rot properties that help maintain the integrity of your outdoor deck for up to 25 years.

    In short, composite decking costs more, but the lifetime value of the material far outweighs the initial investment.

  5. What style of outdoor deck do you want?

    Style is another key factor to consider when building an outdoor deck. Styles range across the board, but there are 6 typical outdoor deck styles that most homeowners choose from. These styles include attached decks, floating decks, multi-level decks, poolside decks, wraparound decks, and entryway decks.

    Each one of these styles offers different visual designs and functionality, giving you plenty of flexibility to make it your own.

    What’s important to remember is that design drives the style of your deck. Design refers to not only the look of your outdoor deck but also the functionality. I’ve worked with many homeowners who have an idea of what style they want, but aren't considering the functionality of that look.

    That’s why we work with a team of expert designers at the beginning of a project. These designers give clients clarity and can show them exactly what their outdoor deck is going to look and function like, saving both the homeowner and contractor money in the long run.

  6. What are the backyard conditions of your property?

    This is an obvious question that everyone should answer before starting an outdoor deck project. The conditions of your backyard dictate what kind of deck you can build and if you need to lay a foundation before building.

    If your backyard is on a slope, your contractor may have to level the area or cement a new foundation to support your outdoor deck. If you’re looking to build around an above-ground pool, your contractor will need to design within the current structure and optimize the space to fit with the pool.

    One area homeowners forget about is the property line. It’s imperative to know where your property line starts and ends so that when it comes time for inspection (which is required for all outdoor decks), you’re already aware of the parameters in which you can build.

  7. How much maintenance do you want to do on your outdoor deck?

    Maintenance—nobody enjoys it but we all must do it.

    Like any other space in your home, the outdoor deck requires maintenance. Just how much maintenance depends entirely on the style you choose and the materials you use. As I mentioned earlier, composite decking is revered for its durability, weather resistance, and 25+ year warranty. This means you don’t have to re-seal your deck every 1-3 years like you would if you chose traditional timber.

    That said, traditional timber maintenance can be alleviated by purchasing quality pressure-treated lumber and covering the outdoor deck with a roof structure that keeps it out of the elements. Both options come at additional cost but will save you time and money in the long run.

  8. How will traffic flow in and out of the home to the outdoor deck?

    Most times, homeowners have an idea of where they want the entry point for the outdoor deck to be. Usually, it’s somewhere off the kitchen or living room. Sometimes, in the case of single-floor homes, these outdoor decks have entrances from the master bedroom, especially if it’s a wraparound deck.

    This area can be overlooked at times, but when thought through carefully, it can make the experience of using your deck seamless, allowing for smooth transitions from inside to outside.

    If you plan on dining on your outdoor deck, consider the movement of multiple bodies at once in this entryway, that is where the decision for sliding doors versus standard hinge doors can come into play. 

It’s time to build your outdoor deck! 

There you go! These are all the questions you need to answer before building an outdoor deck.

Take the time to sift through each one carefully and intentionally. By doing so, you’ll be better prepared for the next steps in the process, and before you know it, you’ll be sitting on that outdoor deck enjoying a fresh cup of morning coffee! 

By the way…

If you’re ready to start an outdoor deck project, my team and I want to help! Just tap right here to share more about your project, and I’ll email you personally with a time for us to chat about your outdoor deck dreams!


6 Outdoor Deck Styles That Will Inspire Your Next Remodeling Project