Is It Time For A Kitchen Remodel?

It’s time for a kitchen remodel.

Before you start swinging hammers and changing the entire look and function of your kitchen, take 5 minutes to read below and arm yourself with everything you need to know before a kitchen remodel project starts.

Let’s get into it!

What should you do before a kitchen remodeling project? 

Ask yourself why you are remodeling the kitchen.

Why are you remodeling your kitchen? Is the kitchen outdated and in desperate need of an upgrade? Are you using it regularly and finding that the current setup isn’t conducive to your needs and everyday activities anymore? The starting point for your kitchen remodel is asking why.

This is the compass of your project and will be used as a guide for your budget, list of needs, and inspiration for the remodel. Without this why, you will find yourself looking at the details of the build and not the full picture which can result in a disjointed project.

By choosing your why, you will know exactly what information to share with your contractor so that you can get on the same page and align on the goal for this kitchen remodel.

Make a priority list of needs.

Like most remodeling projects, you are going to have a list of needs. These needs vary from kitchen to kitchen but the important thing here to do is prioritize these needs. Prioritizing needs will position you to fully understand what comes first for this project and what the must-haves are.

For example, if your list includes building a pantry, replacing the floors, painting the cabinets, and adding new knobs to your cabinets, what order would you choose? While new knobs might be important, your floors are beat up and could use an upgrade as they’ve looked bad for a while. It might be worth putting the floors at the top of this list and then coming back to the cabinets at a later date.

Determine your budget.

Every remodeling project needs a budget. This budget helps gauge the design, materials, and labor that go into your kitchen remodel. Budgets can be a challenge because inevitably, there will be change orders in your project. With that said, consider adding another 10-15% of your current budget to the overall estimated cost to account for change orders.

You might end up removing some cabinets and find that the plumbing for the space is old and needs to be replaced. With your additional budget set aside, you can tackle this need and not have to worry about a big bill at the end of the project.

Another thing to consider is the overall value of your home. Kitchen remodels can be a major selling point for homes, especially if the kitchen is modern. That said, if your home is valued at $200k and you’re doing a $50k kitchen remodel, you might not be investing in the right place. The same goes for a home valued at $3 million that you want to do a $10k kitchen remodel for. You want to ensure that your remodeling budget is relative to the overall value of your home.

The goal of kitchen remodels is to make the space more functional and fitting to your needs. When your remodeling budget doesn't reflect the value of the home you will end up with a kitchen remodel that is disconnected from the rest of your living space.

Find inspiration you can share with your contractor.

Only you know what kind of kitchen you want to have. That’s why it’s helpful to do your diligence and identify different kitchen styles, designs, and aesthetics you want to consider for your space.

This will help you convey your ideas to a contractor who can tell you whether or not these concepts are possible in your space. This will also help your designer when it comes to developing the layout and blueprints of your kitchen. The more you can bring to the table as a reference, the better the chances are of getting the kitchen you desire.

Helpful Hint: Pinterest is a great place to start as there are tons of interior design, architecture, and inspirational kitchen ideas on the platform. Not to mention, you can make individual folders specific to your kitchen, all of which can be shared with your contractor digitally. 

Kitchen Remodeling Musts

Work with a licensed contractor and designer.

I can’t emphasize enough the importance of working with a licensed contractor for any and all remodeling projects, especially your kitchen. Licensed contractors have experience, and knowledge, and are certified by their state, making them the best choice for homeowners. Working with a licensed contractor will guarantee that your project is handled by an expert who knows what they are doing and has done it before.

Focus on items with the biggest impact.

A simple way to think about this is to consider what can make your kitchen better. When I say better, I’m talking about more functionality. Often homeowners want to tackle a kitchen remodel to change the visual appearance of the kitchen. That’s good, but there’s much more to a kitchen remodel. Items with the biggest impact not only change the appearance of the kitchen but also the functionality.

For example, maybe you spend multiple hours a week cooking meals and have all your spices sitting on the kitchen countertop. The problem is that all your spices are always out, cluttering counter space and creating havoc. In this case, a high-impact item could be designing a cabinet that holds your spice rack right next to the stove, making it seamless to grab what you need, cook, and then put it all away.

Don’t move the plumbing or the electrical.

This can be a tempting item for homeowners but I can tell you from experience, avoid moving plumbing and electrical. You’re going to save yourself a serious amount of time and money. While it’s good in thought, plumbing and electrical movement requires specialized technicians (often subcontractors) to come out, evaluate the space, and take care of moving them. This is not a cheap or quick task which will result in your spending significantly more money.

If moving plumbing or electrical falls within your budget, make sure you share this with your remodeling contractor early on so that they can plan accordingly and allocate the proper resources to make this change with ease.

How To Save Money On A Kitchen Remodel…

Refresh instead of replace.

Not everything needs to be replaced in a kitchen remodel. Opt for refreshing instead of replacing things entirely. One area this can be done is the cabinetry. For older homes (ones built in the ‘80s,’90s, ‘2000s) the cabinetry might be a little outdated. Instead of replacing them, which costs a lot of money, consider asking your contractor to repaint or reface them. This will give your kitchen an entirely new look without having to fork over the money to get new cabinets.

In that vein, you can also transform some cabinets into open shelving. A popular trend over the last few years has been dish racks that publicly display your different dishware. Cabinets that used to store your dishes can now become an installation that displays them and lends to the overall aesthetics of your kitchen space.

Keep the kitchen layout the same and improve upon it.

This is the area you will save the most on a kitchen remodel. Many times, homeowners want to make major changes to their kitchen such as moving the sink, dishwasher, or oven. While this is within the realm of possibility, it will come at a cost.

For homeowners trying to save during a kitchen remodel I recommend taking advantage of your layout and optimizing the space to work for you. This is where working with a licensed contractor comes in handy. They’ve done plenty of kitchen remodels and often will see opportunities in the space that homeowners may overlook.

Avoid DIY.

Remodeling is tough as it is. Don’t go doing it all yourself, especially in the kitchen. There are so many factors that homeowners may not know or consider before they start tearing things up which can lead to more damage and require repairs.

From my experience, the hardest kitchen remodeling projects are the ones that homeowners tried to tackle themselves but never finished. This requires extra time and resources to fix the things that aren’t finished before getting to the real project.

My recommendation is to hire a trusted remodeling contractor with a history of successful kitchen remodels. At the end of the day, kitchen remodeling is a big undertaking for homeowners. It requires time, money, resources, and planning—all of which can add up and make for a very stressful experience when going alone.

By working with a licensed contractor, you make your life significantly easier and relinquish much of the stress that comes from trying to manage it all yourself. The results of working with a licensed contractor speak for themselves—the work is of higher quality, the communication is clearer, and the overall experience is a positive one. 

Ready to remodel your kitchen?

If you’re reading this and thinking to yourself, “Yeah I want to remodel my kitchen” then my team and I are here to help! We love helping homeowners bring their ideas to life, especially when it comes to kitchens. The kitchen is the heart of the home and we want to make yours the best it can be!

Tap right here and send us a message with your kitchen remodel ideas and we’ll set up a FREE consultation to brainstorm how to make it a reality! 


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