How To Pick A Remodeling Contractor

How to find the right remodeling contractor for your home project

Can’t find the right remodeling contractor for your project?

I know from experience that this can be a daunting challenge.

But it doesn’t have to be.

In fact, it’s easy to find a remodeling contractor if you follow these 7 simple steps that will help you identify the perfect fit for your project.

Coming from a professional remodeling contractor, I can’t begin to tell you the number of times I’ve had friends come to me asking questions. So I decided to put pen to paper and give you a simple guide for finding the right remodeling contractor.

Let’s dive in! 

7 Steps To Find The Right Remodeling Contractor

Step 1: Conduct Your Research & Build A List

Research starts close to home by asking your friends and family for referrals. These are the people you trust and if they’ve worked with quality remodeling contractors in the past you know that team can deliver the same for you.

If you don’t have a direct connection to a remodeling contractor this way, it’s time to turn to the internet. Google is a great place to find a remodeling contractor’s website as well as their social media pages that include images and client testimonials. Remodeling contractors should have a clear website that outlines their services and provides more information about their process, giving you a clear idea of how they operate.

From here, you can start building your list of potential candidates that you will refer back to as you follow these next six steps.

Step 2: Check For Credentials 

Credentials are an imperative part of finding the right remodeling contractor for your project.

These credentials include a state license that confirms your contractor is following best practices in your state. It also ensures that your remodeling contractor can handle the capacity of your project and has done so in the past.

In the state of North Carolina, all remodeling projects over $30k must be done by a licensed general contractor. That said, even if your project is under that budget, I recommend from experience working with a licensed contractor on any project in your home if you want it to be a success.

Another credential to seek out is insurance. If you’re working on a remodeling project you want to make sure that your contractor is covering their employees in case of injury or other happenstance. This also covers your side of the project in case something happens, you can be made whole.

You can search for your potential remodeling contractor’s license by checking the National Association of Home Builders or your local state's Licensing Board for General Contractors—that’s where you’ll find us!

Remodeling Red Flag: If your potential contractor does not have a valid license or certifications in your state and city, I highly encourage you to knock them off the list as it shows they aren’t up to date with best remodeling practices and procedures.  

Step 3: Review Contractor Portfolios

Every remodeling contractor on your list should have a readily-available portfolio. This portfolio should consist of projects they’ve completed in the last year as well as older projects. It also should showcase the range of work they are capable of doing based on their discipline.

If you’re looking to do a kitchen remodel and a contractor has a portfolio filled with only bathroom projects, chances are this is not going to be a good fit for you. By doing this, you can identify the remodeling contractor’s strengths and possibly find some inspiration based on past projects.

In most cases, you can find a remodeling contractor’s portfolio on their website or available for print. Ours is right here if you want to check it out! 

Step 4: Contact Contractors & Interview

At this point in your search, you should have a clear list that is narrowed down between 3-5 contractors. Any number bigger than this can get confusing and complicated, so I recommend keeping it low–this will make it easier for the next few steps.

With these contractors in hand, you should schedule an interview on the phone or in person where you can ask questions about their business. There are a lot of questions you could ask, but I’ve found from experience that these 11 questions for remodeling contractors will help you get to the core of their business and identify if they are a perfect fit for your project.

During this interview, look for transparency. This comes in the form of open and honest communication about their process, procedures, and results. If a contractor isn’t being transparent with you, trust me, you’ll notice it right away and can check them off your list of potential candidates.

From here, your list can be narrowed down to roughly 1-3 potential remodeling contractors that you will move forward with to the next step.

Step 5: Ask For References

Now that you have 1-3 remodeling contractors on your list this is where you ask them for references.

References are another critical component to vetting potential contractors as it will allow you to speak firsthand with previous clients who have used them for a project. Again, this list should consist of recent projects completed in the last year as well as older projects that the contractor has done.

This is your opportunity to ask hard-hitting questions about the client’s experience working with the contractor. Here are a few questions I’ve found helpful in this process:

  • Did the contractor complete the project on time?

  • Did the contractor stay within your budget expectations?

  • Was the contractor on time for appointments and workdays?

  • Were problems addressed promptly?

  • What kind of hours did the crew work?

  • How has the work held up?

  • Was the job site kept neat?

Listen carefully to the responses as the ones who’ve had a great experience will love to talk more about the project and team. On the other hand, if the client hesitates or withholds answers, this is an indication that the contractor may have missed the mark on their project.

In an ideal scenario, a client will let you visit their property to see the project results in person. This will give you even more information about the quality of the work as well as how it has held up over time.

Remodeling Red Flag: If the contractor doesn’t provide references you don’t want to work with them. I know that might sound tough, but trust me, if they don’t have references, it’s for a reason—a reason you don’t want to experience in your project.

Step 6: Get A Project Bid

Once you’ve narrowed the list down and have a contractor that you think is a good fit, it’s time to move forward with a bid. A project bid will outline the estimated cost of the project, the scope of the project, and the timeline.

Note here that this proposal is not a final contract but an outline of what your final contract will look like. This proposal is the framework from which your remodeling contractor will draft a final contract. This is where you review everything with a fine-toothed comb and make sure that the process is clear between you and the contractor. You can also point out anything that doesn’t align so that the final contract covers everything.

In many cases, you might end up paying for this proposal because it includes design blueprints and other information. Be willing to pay for this as the contractor has taken time out of their busy schedule to deliver this to you as a sign of good faith for the project.

Step 7: Sign Your Project Contract

After you’ve reviewed your project proposal, the remodeling contractor will go back and make any needed changes and provide you with a final project contract.

This contract will include details like project scope, timeline, final budget, materials, change order procedures, and more. Just like step 6, make sure you review this contract with a detective mentality and take your time. You are trusting this contractor with your home, so you want to make sure that all the details are covered and procedures are clear.

If everything checks out in your contract, sign on the dotted line and then ink the deposit check which is usually around 25-30% of the total budget. 

You’re on your way to making your dream home a reality!

Trust me when I tell you that following these 7 steps will ensure that you find yourself the perfect remodeling contractor fit.

I can’t emphasize enough the importance of taking your time in this process and being patient. I know it’s hard not to jump the gun and get right into a working agreement, but I promise the more patient you are, the better your project will turn out.

Speaking of finding the right remodeling contractor, if you have a project you’ve been waiting to start, my team and I would love to get the conversation going.

Our team of experts is eager and excited to help make your dream home a reality, so drop us your information by tapping right here, and scheduling a FREE 15-minute consultation with me personally.


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